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Icon of the Holy Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael (17th c.) – S444

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A marvelous 17th century icon of the Three Holy Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, the most famous of the angelic rank.  Saint Michael’s name from the Hebrew means “Who is as God?” which is the question that Saint Michael asked when Lucifer wished to set his throne equal to God.  Lucifer gave no answer but his fall to this profound question which ended the war in Heaven between  the demons and the rest of God’s faithful angels.

Saint Gabriel’s name in Hebrew means “Man of God,” and it was he that announced to Saint Anna the birth of her daughter, to the Prophet Zachariah the birth of the Forerunner John, to the Virgin her coming birth-giving of the God-man Jesus Christ, and appeared in the field to tell the Shepherds that Christ had been born.

Saint Raphael’s name in Hebrew means “It is God Who heals,” and he is known for healing and for protecting travelers as he is mentioned in the book of Tobit from the 3rd c. b.c. Septuagint translation of the Old Testament into Greek that Jesus quoted from.  Together these three holy Archangels intercede for all those who call upon them in their time of need.

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Church Feast Day 1



Egg Tempera


Museum of Antiboyniotissas, Corfu, Greece


Klontza, Georgiou


17th c.