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Icon of Saint Nikitas (Serbian, 1410) – S156

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Saint Nikitas was a Goth by birth, and was worthy of his name, which means “he who conquers,” as he was a great warrior for the sake of Jesus Christ.  He was a disciple of Bishop Theophilus of the Goths, who baptized him after learning the Christian faith.  Saint Nikitas fought those who fought against God.  When Saint Nikitas stood before the Goth Prince Athanarik, and denounced him for his pagan beliefs and for persecuting Christians, Saint Nikitas was tortured for his confession of the true faith and life.

Saint Nikitas held strong in this confession and sought consolation and help from Heaven.  Throughout his many trials, the holy martyr held under his robes an icon of the Virgin Mary with the Divine Child bearing his Cross to strengthen him.  The Theotokos herself appeared to comfort this blessed struggler in his trials.  At the end, Saint Nikitas was thrown into the flames by the wicked prince and gave his pure soul to Christ, but his relics remained on earth working many miracles.  Later they were transferred to Mopsuestia in Cilicia of Armenia, where a church was built and dedicated to this great conqueror and confessor of Christ.

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Church Feast Day 1





Manasiji Monastery, Resava, Serbia




15th c. (Early)