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Icon of Saint Margaret – S422

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Saint Margaret (or Marina) was born and lived in Antioch of Pisidia, in Asia Minor, during the reign of the Roman Emperor Diocletian (from a.d. 284-305).  Although born to pagan parents, she converted at the age of twelve when she heard about Christ, and devoted her life to Him.  Her father disowned her as his daughter at the age of 15.  When the imperial governor Olymbrius tried to get the beautiful Margaret to marry him and sacrifice to idols, she rejected him completely, and then was subjected to many tortures.

Raked by iron combs, tied to a board, beaten mercilessly, and then thrown into prison, God healed her wounds through an angel.  The Devil appeared three times to Saint Margaret when she was in prison, trying to tempt her, but she was so strong in her faith, that she at last beat him with a hammer while she held him by the hair.  Some of her icons show this.  When Saint Margaret was brought out again before the governor, she was entirely well.   She was then burned and drowned, but was healed before the crowd, and many converted by this obvious miracle and confessed Christ.  Finally, Saint Margaret was beheaded and went to Christ in a.d. 304.

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Church Feast Day 1



Egg Tempera


St. Meletios Monastery, Oenoe, Greece


20th c. (Late)