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Icon of Saint Eudokia – S74

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In Heliopolis of Phoenicia at the time of the Emperor Trajan (a.d. 98-117), there lived a notorious harlot, Eudokia, who had become very wealthy plying her dishonorable trade.  One night she happened to overhear the prayers, psalmody, and spiritual reading of the elderly monk Germanus, who was the guest of her neighbor.  As she listened closely with her heart and mind, she saw her sinful life for the first time without excuses, and then went to the monk the next morning to be instructed in repentance.

After a long conversation with Germanus, Saint Eudokia went to the local bishop and asked for baptism, and after entry into the doors of the Heavenly Church in that baptism, she gave all of her goods and wealth away to the poor, and entered a woman’s monastery.  She struggled there in her life of repentance, prayer, vigils, and fasting so sincerely, that after 13 months the sisters chose her as their new abbess, in which position she continued for 55 years, caring for the many souls under her care.  When a new persecution of Christians began in that area, Saint Eudokia was the first to be arrested, giving her head to the sword in a.d. 107.   

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Church Feast Day 1



Egg Tempera


20th c. (Late)


Ginala, Maria