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Icon of Michael, Archangel (Ochrid) – S151

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In Genesis’ account of Creation, we are told of the creation of Heaven and earth, and in the Nicean Creed we say that God was the creator of all things visible and invisible, thus showing that there is another invisible world or creation besides this visible one.  The Fathers of the Church, especially Saint Dionysius the Areopagite in his work On Celestial Hierarchies, speak of this creation of the   Bodiless Hosts, or Angelic Hosts, with its nine ranks: angels, archangels, principalities, authorities, dominions, powers, thrones, Cherubim, and Seraphim.  The Archangel Michael, whose name means “Who is as God?” is considered the chief and leader of them.

When Lucifer, a most beautiful archangel, fell in love with his distorted image of himself in pride, he left reality, and was challenged by Saint Michael who spoke the meaning of his name “Who is as God?”   Lucifer had become Satan, the Adversary, who then fell like lightning from Heaven into the Hell of darkness and self-love, trying to get other sentient beings to love him more than God.  Our holy Archangel Michael is a great intercessor for all.  May we remember him and ask for his prayers to bring us to Heaven.    

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Church Feast Day 1





Egg Tempera


Ochrid, Macedonia