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Icon of St. Matrona of Moscow – S445

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Saint Matrona of Moscow

Born in 1881 in Sebino, Tula province, and was blind from birth but gifted with spiritual vision and clairvoyance. Despite becoming paralyzed at seventeen, she humbly bore her suffering and provided spiritual guidance, healing, and prophecy to countless people who sought her help. After her repose in 1952, her veneration grew, and in 1999, she was canonized by the Patriarch of Moscow, with her relics now resting in the Protection Convent in Moscow.


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Choose Size (sizes are approximate)

Extra Small – 3 x 4, Small – 4 x 6, Medium – 6 x 8, Large – 8 x 10, Extra Large – 11 x 14, Double – 12 x 18, Triple – 16 x 24, Quad – 24 x 36