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Icon of the Transfiguration – F84

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This is a modern Greek icon of the Tranfiguration showing the Lord in great Glory and Light revealing Himself to His Disciples in a way that is not as hidden as was His daily relationship with them.  Three Disciples are present, Saint Peter, and SS James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who often accompanied Christ in a more special way than the other Apostles in this and several other moments of more intimate revelation.

These three Disciples fall to the ground as their senses are closed by the brilliance of the Light of the Transfiguration shines upon them and the mountaintop at midnight.   They are overcome by its brilliance and power, and so fall senseless on the ground.  In iconographic convention, Christ is also shown both leading these Disciples up the mountain before the Transfiguration, and leading them down afterwards.  Icons often show multidimensional time.  The Prophet Elias (Elijah) appears also on Christ’s right hand, and the Prophet Moses on the left, confirming both in the Law and the Prophets the Prophetic witness to Christ as the Lord Almighty, Adonai of the Old Testament, now incarnate in the New Testament.

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Church Feast Day 1



Egg Tempera


Pantocrator Monastery, Mt. Athos, Greece


20th c.