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Icon of the Theotokos “Igorevskaya” – T105

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From the icon studio of Makariev in Moscow in the mid-16th c., this icon is of the Tenderness (Umilenie in Russian) style, which is a form of the Eleusa or Merciful icons of the Virgin Mary.  The Birth-Giver of God, or Theotokos, is a special title that was given to the Virgin at the 3rd Ecumenical Council in Ephesus in 431A.D. to refute the Nestorian heresy.  This title affirms that she truly gave birth to the God-Man Jesus Christ, Who was both fully  God and fully Man, but one Person.  It is the most common title of the Virgin in Orthodox Christianity, and in her icons.  In Russian and Slavic languages it is translated as Bogoroditze.

There are many other designations of icons of the Virgin, and Igorevskaya refers to the icon that the Russian Prince Igor Olgovich was praying before when he was viciously martyred in 1147.  This icon is a variant of the Umilenie icon of the Korsun type, which originally came from Korsun (Cherson) on the Black Sea.  It is considered one of the icons that Saint Luke painted of the Virgin from life.  The iconographic tradition predates the written Gospels and shows forth true theology in beautiful line and form.

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Church Feast Day 1



Eleusa (Merciful)


16th c. (Mid)


Makariev Studio