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Icons of the Virgin Mary which are of the “Hodegetria” (Greek for “Directress”) style, as is this contemporary Greek icon, show her indicating the way to her Son and our God by pointing to Him with her right hand, for He is “the way, the truth, and the life.” (John 14:6) Here He is dressed in the robes of the ancient Greek philosophers for He is the greatest and best True Wisdom that they were seeking unknowingly. Yet His Wisdom is not just of this world and its limited understanding, but shows forth the brightness of the Cross as a brilliant light and path for all life, “for the preaching of the Cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved, it is the power of God.” (1 Cor 1:18)
It doesn’t seem likely that humility of heart and meekness are the answer to all of our real problems, yet the Lord teaches us clearly that these are the very most important things to learn from Him. (cf. Mat 11:29) It is a meek and humble heart that Christ finds acceptable to dwell in fully, and He has the power and the wisdom to do all things. If we look at the Cross as a path to Life, then the sting of death will disappear, and Life Itself draw near.
Weight | N/A |
Dimensions | N/A |
Style | Hodegetria (Directress) |
Heritage | Greek |
Location | Kapsala, Mt. Athos, Greece |
Date | 20th c. (Late) |
Iconographer | Hieromonk Chrysanthos |