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Icon of Saint Spyridon – S31

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Saint Spyridon was a simple farmer on the Island of Cyprus where he married, had children, and after his wife’s death dedicated himself entirely to Christ and His Holy Church.  Even after he became the bishop of Tremithos, he continued to till the soil and tend his flocks, giving most of the produce to the poor.  Simple, but very wise, he showed wonders even before the assembled bishops of the First Ecumenical Council in Nicea in a.d. 325.   He always wore simple and poor clothes that he made himself.  He died with his inner eyes and heart fixed on Jesus Christ Whom he loved.

During his earthly life and even until today, Saint Spyridon works the greatest miracles?raising the dead, bringing rain in drought, changing a serpent into gold and back again, and healing the sick of soul and body?but without any pretense whatsoever, as his humility covers him like the mantle of the Prophet Elias (Elijah).  All over the world, the humble Spyridon, the Wonder-worker, answers prayer whether small or great, meaningful or menial, for his pure and simple heart is very near Christ Himself.  May we, too, remember this wondrous saint in our daily prayers!

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Church Feast Day 1


Church Feast Day 2





Egg Tempera


Lionda, N.


20th c. (Late)