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Icon of Saint Martha – S385

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Saint Martha was the sister of Mary and her brother was Lazarus, who later was raised from the dead by Christ after four days lying in a tomb on the Mount of Olives.  Earlier, Jesus visited them where they lived in Bethany, and Martha served Him when He came to their home.  Jesus also corrected her simply when she wanted her sister Mary to leave sitting at Christ’s feet, and help her serve the guests.  This she humbly accepted.  He pointed her mind to that which is eternal and everlasting over what is temporary.

When her brother Lazarus died, she spoke with Christ in sorrow, saying that her brother would not have died if He had been there, and Mary said the same thing.  It was then that Christ exhorted them to believe that He was the Resurrection, and so He raised Lazarus from the dead.  Saint Martha and the other faithful women were nearby Christ when He died on the Cross.  Martha also came  to His tomb early on Sunday morning with sweet spices, and so is known as one of the seven Myrrh-Bearing Women.  After Christ’s Ascension into Heaven, Saint Mary traveled with Saint Lazarus and Saint Mary to preach the Gospel?all three eventually dying in Cyprus.

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Church Feast Day 1


Movable Church Feast Day 1

2nd Sunday after Pascha




Egg Tempera


20th c. (Late)


St. Meletios Monastery, Oenoe, Greece