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Icon of the Nymphios (“Bridegroom”) (Half) – J06

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As a husband is to his wife so is Jesus Christ to His Church.  His Crucifixion is His marital vow and His mockery and beating His wedding feast.  The Bridegroom icon shows Christ stripped of His garments and clothed in a scarlet robe to mock Him.  He wears a crown of thorns, causing blood to flow from the wounds.  A reed is placed in His bound hands as a scepter.

In Christ’s halo are the Greek letters for “I AM”, to remind us that Christ was the All-Powerful God who freely chose to experience pain and death.  For the first three days of Holy Week this icon is placed prominently in the Church to remind us of Christ’s great love and great suffering.  Like the Five Wise and Five Foolish Virgins we await the Bridegroom’s arrival and sing, “Behold, the Bridegroom, cometh at midnight.  And Blessed is the servant whom He shall find awake.  But He whom He shall find neglectful is verily unworthy.  Beware therefore my soul, less thou fallest into deep slumber and the door of the Kingdom be closed against thee and thou be delivered unto death.  But be thou wakeful crying, ?Holy, Holy, Holy art Thou.’” (from the Bridegroom Matins)

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Movable Church Feast Day 1

Mon, Tues, Wed of Holy Week


Nymphios (Bridegroom)


20th c. (Late)


Lionda, N.