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Icon of the Mystical Supper – F82

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The Mystical Supper of Holy Communion, which Jesus Christ initiated on the night that He was betrayed by Judas, occurred after the Passover meal that He ate with His Twelve Apostles and Disciples.  Saint Peter is seated to His right, Saint John the Beloved leans on Christ’s breast, and Judas darkened with envy and avarice reaches to the dish to indicate his betrayal of His Holy Master who loved him as much as every other Disciple whom He had chosen.  With God, love is completely unconditional and comes from the Infinite Love Itself to us, if we are open and willing to receive it.

This icon is a fresco, or wall-painting from a monastery church near Athens, Greece and has intense and deep coloring, especially the dark blue background indicating that it is night outside of the building.  The table is shown here as curved so that each person can find room at that table to come and receive the greatest Gifts, the Lord Himself communing with us in His True and Holy Body (seen as bread) and His True and Holy Blood (seen as wine).  This is a supper indeed where we may receive Life Itself.

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Movable Church Feast Day 1

Great & Holy Thursday




St. John the Baptist Monastery, Makrinos, Greece


20th c. (Late)