📦14,000+ icons in stock, shipped in 1 business day. Backorders: made & shipped in 1-3 weeks.

An Expansive Array of Custom Icons

As the use of icons spread with the growth of Christianity from the beginning of the Church into each distinct culture, so the unique expressions of that culture affected the icons, providing in time national and regional schools of iconography.  Thus it is that there are differences between early Byzantine iconography and Bulgarian or Serbian or Russian iconography, and besides, other differences from every age in each tradition.  Nevertheless, all the icons are still very much based on a canon or rule by which all icons of a particular subject or Saint would depict them–for example, Saint Peter is always shown with white hair and a short white beard, while Saint Paul is always shown with a receding hairline of dark hair and a tangled dark beard.   So there is in iconography, as in all aspects of a true spiritual Church life, unshakable unity and yet rich diversity, as was shown forth on the Holy Apostles with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in the form of Tongues of Fire over each of them at Holy Pentecost.  They all received the Holy Spirit, yet it was individually given over each Apostle, as are all the Holy Mysteries still individually given today.

Throughout the centuries since each local heritage was baptized into the Christian Faith, there has therefore grown an enormous repository of iconographic treasures in each of those cultures, too numerous to be completely represented in this or any other catalogue of icons.  There can only be then a diverse collection culled from the many cultures and schools that have contributed to this body of great spiritual artistic expression.  Since this art is also theological, the icons represented impart deep spiritual insight and appreciation when we look deeply into the icons themselves, for we are beholding the glorification of material nature when transfigured by the Triune Godhead.    The icons very presence then opens space into Eternity, and thus opens the hearts of men toward their Creator in love, faith, and in hope that we too will be transfigured with them.

Our regular selection of iconography that we normally stock is, as far as we know, the largest and most diverse collection available today, and has focused more and more on the rich treasure of great historic icons from the many schools and national cultures available, and yet gives a wide selection of subjects and Saints so there is much to choose from for each person who beholds them.  Besides the sizes for these icons that are normally offered, any of these icons can be reproduced and enlarged or reduced to any size desired, limited only by the size of the original icon that we have and its clarity in enlargement.  If you wish to have any of these icons custom made, please inquire of our customs department for these limitations in size enlargements.  We can make for sure any stock icon in any size between XS and the largest that we already are offering. Beginning with this updated website we are also now showing many other subjects and individual iconographic treasures for the first time on the pages following.

Custom mounted icons are a Limited Discount Item, which means that they only allow one half of the normal discount for wholesale customers or for churches and clergy, and they are now being offered at the same price as our regular stock mounted icons.  These are also made as a custom order one order at a time, for we do not keep any stock of custom mounted icons, but they are individually made to order.

For each icon shown there is given an order number, the title, and a drop down menu with the sizes that each custom icon is offered in.  There are copies of several original great historic and miracle-working icons, such as Christ’s Baptism (Mosaic) (CJ713), the “Tinos” Theotokos (CT707), “the Akathist” Theotokos (CT708), the “Kursk-Root” Theotokos without her riza (CT709), the “Kazanskaya” Theotokos (CT 710), the “Axion Esti” Theotokos (CT712), and the Virgin Orans (CT729).

Explore on the following pages this wonderful and expansive array of icons, many of them historic, and also the many unusual subjects and Saints not normally available, and remember that each icon is a unique expression of the love and labor over the centuries of this holy and sacred art, and brings us back to the revelation of Christ that was first shown forth when He Himself gave us us the Holy Napkin.  May we look on it with love and live.

NOTE: NO RETURNS for Custom mounted icons are accepted unless the problem is a material or workmanship imperfection from our production. All of these products are produced for a unique order and cannot be restocked.

Our Custom Mounted Icon Price Schedule

XSExtra Small  3″ x   4″  $16.00
SSmall  4″ x   6″  $30.00
MMedium  6″ x   8″  $44.00
LLarge  8″ x 10″  $52.00
XLExtra Large11″ x 14″  $69.00
DDouble12″ x 18″  $92.00
TTriple16″ x 24″$207.00
QQuad24″ x 36″$339.00